While wrestling to maintain her career, Fallon “The Queen of Swords” Fox reflects on her transition and experiences as the first professional transgender woman in Mixed Martial Arts. This sports documentary film, directed by Michiel Thomas and produced by Mark Schoen, follows two black athletes, one trans and the other gay, as they consider the consequences of coming out to their respective communities. Even though Sin-Dee just got out of prison, she can’t seem to stay away from drama. Baker follows the day of transgender prostitute Sin-Dee Rella (Kitana Kiki Rodriguez) and her best friend Alexandra (Mya Taylor) as she confronts her pimp/ boyfriend Chester (James Ransone) for cheating on her with a cisgender woman, another prostitute, while she served a 28-day prison sentence. A section specifically for films about queer people of color does not exist, but here are some recommendations for LGBTQ films about black people which will make you laugh, cry, and maybe even have a new outlook on life. It’s painful and insulting to look at as a black queer person, however Netflix throws in a few films actually worth looking at sometimes. If you’ve ever browsed the “Gay and Lesbian” section on Netflix, you’ve witnessed the whitest assortment of titles to represent the queer community.